Analisis kualitas soal di perguruan tinggi berbasis aplikasi TAP
Muhammad Rizal, STMIK AKBA Makassar, Indonesia
Kata kunci: validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran, daya beda,pengecoh,TAP
This study is aimed at finding the items of quality instruments based on the level of validity, reliability, difficulty, differentiation, and distraction. This study was an ex post facto research. The object of research was all the answers of enrollment test results of prospective students in 2014-2016. The data were collected by using observation, interview, and documentation methods, and the data were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative technique. The results of the research show that the value of the content validity found is 0.42, which belongs to medium category. Furthermore, it appears that the value of the instrument reliability coefficient is 0.514. The number of the question items which belongs to difficult category is 57.5%, medium category is 42.5%, and no item is in easy category. In addition, the percentage of the question items that belong to the category of very good, good, need a little revision, and not good, in terms of the items’ differentiation, are respectively 5%, 20%, 13.75%, and 61.25%. Further, the options that do not work properly when used as distractors are 5 items, but there are 40 items that must be revised because the distractive option is even considered as the key answer by smart participants.
Keywords: validity, reliability, difficulty level, differentiation, distraction, TAPKeywords
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