Kata kunci: profile resiliensi pendidik
Abstract This research aims to obtain an overview of profile resi-lience educators of the Faculty of Psychology Unair through the Resilience Quotient Test (RQ). The instrument used was the Resilience Quotient Test, which comprised 56 items. The test of the Resilience Quotient included seven factors, namely emotional regulation, impulse control, empathy, optimism, cau-sal analysis, self-efficacy and Reaching-out. The analysis of pro-file resilience was based on comparison of the average value of each factor with a predetermined reference value in the Resi-lience Quotient Test. The results show that two categories of factors are above average (impulse control and optimism), 3 factors are in the average category (empathy, causal analysis and Reaching-out) and the second factor is in the category below the average (emotional regulation and self-efficacy). Two fac-tors that are on the above average categories, namely impulse control and optimism, have not been steady because they are not supported by other factors that are on the same belief system, namely emotional regulation and self-efficacy. There-fore, impulse control as opposed to emotional regulation and optimism as opposed to self-efficacy needs to be studied more deeply.
Keywords: profile resilience educators
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