Tomi Setiawan, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Abstrak: Strategy Digital Melalui Co-Production di Samsat Wilayah Kabupaten Bandung 1 Rancaekek.
Di Era Society 5.0 ini pelayanan publik berbasis digital menjadi salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi keterbatasan pelayanan publik. Adapun di era 5.0 ini, penerapan strategi digital sangat dibutuhkan. Co-production ialah program untuk meningkatkan pelayanan jasa publik dengan mengikutsertakan partisipasi warga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan penerapan strategi digital melalui co-production Samsat J’Bret di P3D wilayah Kabupaten Bandung 1 Rancaekek sebagai upaya peningkatan pendapatan pajak kendaraan bermotor dan penguraian antrean pelayanan di Samsat Rancaekek. Metode analisa yang dipakai yakni metode analisa data kualitatif. Yakni dengan penerapan metode pengumpulan data melalui riset kepustakaan, observasi, serta wawancara. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penerapan strategi digital melalui co-production Samsat J’Bret di Samsat wilayah Bandung 1 Rancaekek mendekati kata efektif dalam meningkatkan pendapatan pajak daerah serta meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam membayar pajak kendaraan bermotor.
Kata kunci: strategi digital; samsat j’bret; pelayanan
Abstract:Digital Strategy Through Co-Production in Samsat Bandung Regency 1 Rancaekek.
In the Era of Society 5.0, public services' shortcomings are being addressed through the use of digital platforms. As for the 5.0 era, the implementation of digital strategies is very much needed. Co-production is a program to improve public services by involving community participation. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of digital strategies through the co-production of J'Bret Samsat in P3D in the Bandung 1 Rancaekek In an effort to boost motor vehicle tax income and shorten service lines at Samsat Rancaekek, Regency area. This study uses a qualitative, descriptive methodology. The analytical technique employed is qualitative data analysis, and it involves gathering data through observation, interviewing, and reading of relevant literature. The results show that the implementation of Digital Strategy through J'Bret Samsat co-production in Samsat Bandung 1 Rancaekek area is close to being effective in increasing local tax revenues.
Keywords: digital strategy; samsat j'bret; service
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