Revisiting pedagogical skills: A comprehensive analysis of Mathematics teaching competencies among elementary educators

Salamah Salamah, Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research aims to explore the intricate relationships between attitudes towards the teaching profession, teaching experience, self-concept, and teaching competencies among elementary school teachers. The study's sample comprises 40 first-grade teachers from elementary schools in Yogyakarta, selected through a multistage cluster random sampling technique. The findings of this research indicate several key correlations: (1) a positive correlation exists between attitudes towards the teaching profession and teaching competencies; (2) teaching experience positively correlates with teaching competencies; (3) self-concept also shows a positive correlation with teaching competencies. Moreover, the study reveals that attitudes towards the teaching profession, teaching experience, and self-concept collectively contribute to a significant positive correlation with teaching competencies. These results highlight the multifaceted nature of teaching proficiency and underscore the importance of fostering positive attitudes, accumulating teaching experience, and developing a strong self-concept to enhance educational outcomes in elementary education.


Teaching Competencies; Teacher Proficiency;Teacher Attitudes

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