Workout contribution to the productivity of thesis writing

Lukas Maria Boleng, Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
Veramyta Maria Martha Flora Babang, Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
Maria Andriani Barek Ladjar, Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
Jurdan Martin Siahaan, Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
I Nyoman Wahyu Esa Wijaya, Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
Erwin Sarnoto Neolaka, Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia


The study investigates how structured workout sessions influence the productivity of students in completing a thesis as the final assignment in the bachelor's degree. Eigh-semester students from the Physical Education study program participated, with one group engaging in a 30-minute workout over eight sessions and a control group of 15 students not participating in these sessions. Using observation and monitoring tools, the study assessed the impact of these workouts on thesis preparation. Regression analysis showed a determination coefficient (R’) of 0.729, indicating that 72.9% of the productivity variance was due to the workout sessions. Additionally, a 32% increase in assignment progress was observed in the experimental group. These results demonstrate a strong correlation between regular workouts and increased productivity in completing final assignments, highlighting the benefits of incorporating physical activity into academic routines.


physical education, productivity, workout

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