The importance of learner-centered approach in vocabulary development

Nilufar Fayzullakulovna Mamatkulova, Uzbekistan state world languages university, Uzbekistan
Mamatkulova Nodira Fayzulla kizi, Uzbekistan state world languages university, Uzbekistan


This research article discusses opportunities to develop lexical competencies in learning English with the students of higher education institutions specialized in language based on a learner-centered approach. Pedagogical experiment was conducted at three higher education institutions in Uzbekistan: Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Termez State University, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages with the 1st and 2nd year of the bachelor's degree. 463 students from the three higher education institutions participated in experiment. At the first point the study used a questionnaire developed by the author to collect information about the approaches of students in the process of language learning at universities in Uzbekistan. The survey helped to determine the extent to which students in all groups developed autonomous, independent learning skills and the formation of self-critical assessment skills. The averages collected through the survey were analyzed using inferential statistical methods. Students in the experimental group used lesson plans developed by the author during the academic year. According to the results of the study, the statistical analysis showed that the experimental work carried out to determine the level of effectiveness of the experiment was effective.


learner-centered approach; lexical competence; autonomous learning

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