Gusnawaty Gusnawaty, Faculty of Humanities, Hasanuddin University, Makassar Indonesia, Indonesia
Andi Nurwati, IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia


The study was aimed for developing a learning model of Bahasa Indonesia based on local intercultural politeness to improve the foreigners’ communicative competencies. This is Research and Development, started with a preliminary study of intercultural learning concepts and Buginese politeness strategies; the distribution of the needs analysis instruments to the 25 foreigners learning Bahasa Indonesia in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia; model development, focus group discussions; the model finalization and  product experiment. The interviews and questionnaires data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative and qualitative. The result, a local politeness intercultural learning model consisting of four phases: noticing, comparing, reflecting, and interacting.  1) The foreign learners noticed the use of local politeness markers in Bahasa Indonesia; 2) They compared the similarities and differences between the use of the markers of local politeness and those they found in their native languages; 3) They reflected themselves; 4) They practiced Bahasa Indonesia through direct interactions. The conclusion showed that the t-score = 3.26 > t-table = 2.45 signifying that the model was effective in overcoming the foreign learners’ problems in oral interactions and improving their Bahasa Indonesia communicative competencies.


learning model; local politeness; intercultural; Bahasa Indonesia; Bugis Language

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/cp.v38i1.23164


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