
Issue Title
Vol 11, No 2 (2023): July 2023 Culturally Responsive Teaching to Support Meaningful Learning in Mathematics Primary School: A Content Analysis in Student’s Textbook Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Rahayu Condro Murti
Vol 5, No 2: July 2017 Developing process approach-based reading textbook for grade IV students Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Dedy Irawan
Vol 5, No 2: July 2017 A content analysis of thematic-integrative, scientific approach, and authentic assessment in the second grade of elementary school textbook theme 6 Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Yogi Kuncoro Adi
Vol 9, No 2 (2021): July 2021 Developing a math textbook using realistic mathematics education approach to increase elementary students’ learning motivation Abstract  Fulltext PDF
Jesi Alexander Alim, Neni Hermita, Melvi Lesmana Alim, Tommy Tanu Wijaya, Jerito Pereira
Vol 8, No 2: July 2020 The development of the textbook of basical science concept contained ethnoscience Abstract  Fulltext PDF
Kiki Fatkhiyani, Ririn Andriani Kumala Dewi
Vol 5, No 2: July 2017 Analyzing the thematic-integrative content, the scientific approach, and the authentic assessment in the theme 1 textbook for grade II students of elementary schools Abstract  FULLTEXT PDF
Putri Zudhah Ferryka
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