A Cognitive Pragmatic Review of the Metaphorical Expressions in Indonesian Online Ads as a Basis for Language Learning in Elementary Schools
Endah Harum Sekarsari, Sekolah Indonesia Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
The importance of teaching language to children underlies the birth of this study. Therefore, this study aims to describe the metaphorical form of online advertising discourse in Indonesia as a basis for teaching language in elementary schools. This research employs a qualitative descriptive study. Data are collected through non-participant observation and note-taking techniques. Meanwhile, random and purposive techniques are used upon selecting the samples. The random technique is used to select the source while the purposive one is for selecting the metaphorical expression. It is analyzed by using referential and pragmatics, to show and compare the referent or the meaning of the source and the metaphorical expression of the target. The method is combined with a reflective-introspective to show how cognitive processes manage to produce a speech. Besides, the inductive inference technique is used to show the correspondence between the source and target concepts. The expression is metaphorically constructed based on the correspondence between the source and the target domain. Indonesian online advertisement is generally constructed with structural, orientational, and ontological metaphors. The metaphor of Indonesian online advertisement pragmatically functions as an assertive information, directive invitation, and expression of wonder with a structural, lexical, and counter-factual presupposition. Meanwhile, the conceptual strategy is associative.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jpe.v13i1.74229
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