Pengaruh kinerja kepala sekolah terhadap keberhasilan manajemen berbasis sekolah melalui partisipasi masyarakat di SMP
Udik Budi Wibowo, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh kinerja kepala sekolah terhadap keberhasilan manajemen berbasis sekolah melalui partisipasi masyarakat di SMP Negeri se-Kabupaten Karimun, Kepulauan Riau. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasional. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap populasi dengan jumlah 39 kepala SMP Negeri se-Kabupaten Karimun, Kepulauan Riau. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen angket yang telah diuji validitasnya dengan korelasi product moment dan uji reliabilitas dengan menggunakan alpha-cronbach. Adapun analisis datanya dilakukan secara deskriptif dan analisis jalur dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil analisis data secara deskriptif ditemukan bahwa kinerja kepala sekolah, partisipasi masyarakat dan keberhasilan MBS termasuk dalam kategori sedang yakni: kinerja kepala sekolah = 46,2%, partisipasi masyarakat = 64,1% dan keberhasilan MBS = 41%. Sedangkan dari analisis jalur menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap keberhasilan MBS di SMP Negeri Kabupaten Karimun. Selanjutnya ditemukan pengaruh tidak langsung dari kinerja kepala sekolah terhadap keberhasilan MBS melalui partisipasi masyarakat = 57,3%.
Kata kunci: kinerja kepala sekolah, partisispasi masyarakat, keberhasilan manajemen berbasis sekolah
This study aims to find out the influence of the principals’ performances on the success of school-based management through community participation at Public Junior Secondary Schools in Karimun Regency, Kepulauan Riau. This study used a quantitative approach through a correlational research design. 39 principals from all Public Junior Secondary Schools in Karimun Regency were involved as population. The data were collected through questionnaires. The validity of the instrument was analyzed through product moment and the reliability through alpha-Cronbach. Then, the data were analyzed descriptively by using path analysis with the significance level of 0.05. The finding showed that the performances of the principals’ performances, and community participation on the success of MBS were included into sufficient category. They were seen from the principals’ performances = 46.2%, community participation = 64.1%, and the success of MBS = 41%. Meanwhile, from path analysis, there was a positive influence and significance on the success of MBS at Public Junior Secondary Schools in Karimun Regency. In addition, there was an indirect influence of the principals’ performances on the success of MBS through community participation = 57.3%;
Keywords: principals’ performances, community participation, the success of school-based management
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