Pudjawati Suryatmana, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran
Rija Sudirja, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi antara pemberian jenis inokulan dan kompos rami terhadap laju degradasi hidrokarbon, total populasi Azospirillum sp., dan diameter batang rami. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan November 2017 sampai dengan Februari 2018 di Laboratorium Biologi Tanah, Laboratorium Kimia Tanah dan Nutrisi Tanaman, Rumah Kaca dan Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan percobaan acak kelompok (RAK) faktorial yang terdiri dari dua faktor yaitu jenis inokulan dan dosis kompos. Perhitungan total populasi Azospirillum sp. dengan metode Total Plate Count (TPC) dan pengukuran kadar Total Petroleum Hidrokarbon (TPH) dengan metode gravimetri. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor perlakuan jenis inokulan dan dosis kompos pada fitoremediasi tanah tercemar hidrokarbon minyak bumi tidak menunjukkan adanya pengaruh interaksi terhadap laju degradasi hidrokarbon, total populasi Azospirillum sp., dan diameter batang tanaman rami. Terjadi pengaruh mandiri faktor perlakuan dosis kompos terhadap laju degradasi hidrokarbon dan diameter batang tanaman rami. Pengaruh mandiri dosis kompos rami memberikan hasil terbaik pada dosis 2,5% (w/w) terhadap peningkatan diameter batang tanaman rami.
This study was aimed at determining the interaction between the administration of inoculant types and hemp compost to the rate of hydrocarbon degradation, the total population of Azospirillum sp., and the diameter of the hemp stem. This study was conducted from November 2017 to February 2018 in the Soil Biology Laboratory, Soil Chemistry, and Plant Nutrition Laboratory, Greenhouse and Experimental Gardens, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University. This study used a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) consisting of two factors: the type of inoculant and compost dose. Calculation of the total population of Azospirillum sp. by the Total Plate Count (TPC) method and measurement of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) levels by the gravimetric method. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the factor of inoculant treatment and compost dosage in phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon polluted soils does not show any interaction effect on the rate of hydrocarbon degradation, total population of Azospirillum sp., and stem diameter of hemp plants. There is an independent effect of compost dose treatment factor on the rate of hydrocarbon degradation and stem diameter of the hemp plant. The independent effect of hemp compost dose gives the best results at a dose of 2.5% (w/w) to increase the diameter of the hemp plant stems.
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