Hernani Hernani, Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science Education, Indonesia University of Education, Jl Dr Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, Indonesia
Billy Oktora Abdillah Fauzi, Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science Education, Indonesia University of Education, Jl Dr Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, Indonesia
Ahmad Mudzakir, Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science Education, Indonesia University of Education, Jl Dr Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, Indonesia


This research aims to identify the weaknesses of the nanocellulose context based-enrichment book against chemical literacy ability of pre-service teachers based on scientific attitudes and scientific competencies in PISA 2015 through individualized learning. This research uses descriptive method. This research involved 18 first-year students of chemical education. The Instrument that used in this research is multiple-choice questions based on scientific attitudes and scientific competencies in PISA 2015 and linked to nanocellulose and ionic liquids context. The results of this research are the percentages of the weaknesses of chemical literacy ability, the results are as follows: 1) in the attitude aspects of “interest in science and technology”, environmental awareness, and valuing scientific approaches to inquiry, the results obtained respectively for 78,0%, 5,6%, and 100,0%; 2) Apply appropriate scientifc knowledge, 11,0%; 3) Identify, use and generate explanatory models and representations, 59,3%; 4) Justify appropriate predictions, 44,4%; 5) Offer explanatory hypotheses, 83,0%; 6) Explain the potential implications of scientifc knowledge for society, 50,0%; 7) Distinguish questions that could be investigated scientifcally, 22,0%; 8) Transform data from one representation to another, 89,0%; 9) Analyse and interpret data and draw appropriate conclusions, 11,1%. Based on the results, the nanocellulose context based-enrichment book has a weakness in developing scientific attitude “environmental awareness” and has weaknesses in developing sub-scientific competencies “apply appropriate scientific knowledge”, “distinguish questions that could be investigated scientifically” and “analyse and interpret data and draw appropriate conclusion”.


Keywords: nanocellulose-text, PISA 2015, descriptive method


This research aims to identify the weaknesses of the nanocellulose context based-enrichment book against chemical literacy ability of pre-service teachers based on scientific attitudes and scientific competencies in PISA 2015 through individualized learni

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Copyright (c) 2018 Hernani Hernani, Billy Oktora Abdillah Fauzi, Ahmad Mudzakir

Printed ISSN (p-ISSN): 2085-9872
Online ISSN (e-ISSN): 2443-1273


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