Yunia Mardianis, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathmatics and Natural Sciences,Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Chairil Anwar, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathmatics and Natural Sciences,Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Winarto Haryadi, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathmatics and Natural Sciences,Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia


Telah dilakukan sintesis analog kurkumin monoketon sebagai senyawa target yang berbahan dasar sinamaldehida dan uji aktivitasnya sebagai inhibitor enzim α-glukosidase. Tahap sintesis melibatkan reaksi kondensasi aldol silang Claisen-Schmidt dengan variasi keton sehingga dihasilkan senyawa analog kurkumin monoketon. Pengujian aktivitas antidiabetes senyawa analog kurkumin dilakukan melalui inhibisi enzim α-glukosidase yang diisolasi dari beras lapuk (Oryza sativa). Tahapan awal penelitian ini yaitu analog kurkumin (2E,5E)-2,5-bis((E)-3-fenilalilidin) siklopentanon disintesis dengan mereaksikan sinamaldehid dan monoketon siklopentanon dalam pelarut etanol. Sintesis tersebut dilakukan dalam kondisi basa KOH dengan pengadukan pada suhu 52 °C selama 50 menit. Senyawa hasil sintesis dianalisis strukturnya menggunakan FTIR, direct inlet-MS, 1H- dan 13C-NMR. Tahap selanjutnya analog kurkumin hasil sintesis diuji aktivitasnya sebagai inhibitor enzim α-glukosidase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analog kurkumin monoketon hasil sintesis diperoleh rendemen sebesar 72,15%. Hasil berupa padatan berwana kuning dengan titik leleh sebesar 196,20–200,10 °C. Hasil uji inhibisi terhadap enzim α-glukosidase mengindikasi bahwa analog kurkumin memiliki aktivitas antidiabetik dan cukup berpotensi untuk menginhibisi enzim α-glukosidase dengan persentase inhibisi sebesar 70,71%.



The synthesis of curcumin analog monoketone as target compounds from cinnamaldehyde and inhibition assay against α-glucosidase enzyme had been performed. The stepwise of synthesis was performed by aldol condensation Claisen-Schmidt reaction and used ketone to give curcumin analog monoketone. The antidiabetic activity of curcumin analog was carried out by inhibition test against α-glucosidase enzyme isolated from rotten (Oryza sativa). The first step of synthesis (2E,5E)-2,5-bis((E)-3-phenylallylidene) cyclopentanone was started by reacting cinnamaldehyde and cyclopentanone as monoketone in etanol as solvent. The synthesis was carried out in base condition (KOH) by stirring at 52 °C for 50 minutes. The structures of product was identified by using FTIR, direct inlet-MS, 1H- and 13C-NMR. Futhermore, the activity of curcumin analog was tested against with α-glucosidase enzyme inhibition. The results show that the curcumin analog was yielded in 72.15% as yellow solid. The melting point of curcumin analog was at 196.20–200.10 °C. The inhibition against α-glucosidase enzyme indicated that the curcumin analog was potential to inhibit α-glucosidase enzyme with the highest activity by giving inhibtion percentage of about 70.71% at 2.5 mM.


analog kurkumin monoketon, sinamaldehida, α-glukosidase, antidiabetik

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