Karim Theresih, Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA UNY, Indonesia
Cornelia Budimarwanti, Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA UNY, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis senyawa dibenzalaseton, 4-metoksikalkon dan dianizalaseton melalui reaksi kondensasi Claysen Schmidt menggunakan metode grinding dan mengetahui pengaruh gugus p-metoksi pada reaksi tersebut. Sintesis dibenzalaseton menggunakan benzaldehida, aseton, dan NaOH. Senyawa 4-metoksikhalkon disintesis dari campuran 4-metoksibenzaldehida, asetofenon, dan NaOH. Sedangkan sintesis senyawa dianisalseton melalui reaksi Claysen-schmidt antara aseton, anisaldehid, dan katalis basa NaOH dengan perbandingan mol yang digunakan secara berturut-turut 2:1:2. Sintesis dilakukan dengan metode grinding bebas pelarut. Bahan dasar dan katalis digerus secara bersamaan dalam mortir selama 15 menit hingga membentuk pasta yang dikeringkan dan direkristalisasi. Ketiga senyawa hasil yang diperoleh dikarakterisasi menggunakan KLT, FTIR, dan GC-MS. Berdasarkan  hasil analisis FTIR dan GC-MS menunjukkan bahwa dibenzalaseton, 4-metoksikhalkon dan dianizalaseton dapat disintesis dan memiliki rendemen berturut-turut 59,93 %, 86,21 % dan 70,39 %.  Ada  pengaruh gugus p-metoksi pada reaksi kondensasi Claysen-Schmidt pada sintesis senyawa dibenzalaseton, 4-metoksikalkon dan dianizalaseton menggunakan metoda Grinding.

Kata kunci : dibenzalaseton, 4-metoksikhalkon , dianizalaseton , metode grinding




This research aims to synthesize the compound dibenzalaceton, 4-methoksikalkon and dianisalaceton through Claysen Schmidt condensation reaction with grinding method and to determine the effect of p-methoxy groups on the reaction. Dibenzalaceton compound was synthesized from benzaldehyde, acetone, and NaOH. Synthesis of compound 4-metoksikhalkon was done using 4-methoxybenzaldehyde, acetophenone, and NaOH. Dianisalceton compound was synthesized through Claysen-schmidt reaction between acetone, anisaldehide, and the catalysts NaOH. This synthesis were performed through solvent-free grinding method. Catalyst base material and simultaneously crushed in mortar for 15 minutes to form a paste. The pasta is dried and recrystallized. The resulted compounds were characterized by TLC, FTIR and GC-MS. Based on the results of the analysis of FTIR and GC-MS showed that dibenzalaceton, 4-methoksikhalkon and dianisalaceton can be synthesized and have succession yield 59.93%, 86.21% and 70.39% . There is the influence of p-methoxy groups in a condensation reaction Claysen-Schmidt on the synthesis of compounds dibenzalaceton, 4-methoksikhalkon and dianizalaceton use grinding method.


Keywords: dibenzalaceton, 4-methoksikhalkon, dianizalaceton, grinding method


dibenzalaseton, 4-metoksikhalkon , dianizalaseton , metode grinding

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Copyright (c) 2016 Karim Theresih

Printed ISSN (p-ISSN): 2085-9872
Online ISSN (e-ISSN): 2443-1273


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