suhartini suhartini, FMIPA, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia




Penggunaan pestisida kimia telah banyak memberikan dampak negatif pada lingkungan, sehingga diperlukan penggunaan pestisida nabati untuk menuju pertanian yang ramah lingkungan. Di desa ditemui banyak jenis daun yang dapat digunakan sebagai pestisida hayati, maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari ekstrak pestisida nabati yaitu daun tembakau, tapak liman, daun kayu kuning dan daun sirih hijau terhadap mortalitas hama Plutella Xylostella pada tanaman sawi (Brassica juncea L.) berat basah sawi dan kerusakan daun sawi.

Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan perlakuan jenis tanaman sebagai pestisida Nabati . Perlakuan yang digunakan ada 6 macam (taraf) yaitu kontrol negatif (P0), daun tembakau (P1), tapak liman (P2), daun kayu kuning (P3),  daun sirih hijau (P4) dan pestisida kimia sebagai kontrol positif (P5) dengan masing-masing kadar 10 %. Parameter yang diamati adalah mortalitas hama,  berat basah sawi dan tingkat kerusakan daun sawi. Analisis dilakukan dengan anova satu arah.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak daun tembakau ((Nicotiana tabacum), tapak liman ((Elephantopus sp.), daun kayu kuning (Arcangelisia flava L.) dan daun sirih hijau  (Piper betle Linn.) dengan konsentrasi 10 persen dari ekstrak belum memberikan pengaruh nyata pada mortalitas hama Plutella xylostella, berat basah sawi ((brassica juncea l.)  dan tingkat kerusakan daun sawi (brassica juncea l.). Ekstrak daun yang paling berpengaruh pada mortalitas Plutella xylostella secara berurutan adalah tembakau, daun sirih, daun kayu kuning dan tapak liman. Sedangkan pada berat basah sawi (brassica juncea l.) secara berurutan daun kayu kuning, daun sirih hijau, daun tapak liman dan daun tembakau. Sementara terhadap tingkat kerusakan daun sawi mulai yang paling kecil rusaknya  secara berurutan adalah daun sirih hijau, daun tembakau, tapak liman dan daun kayu kuning.


Kata Kunci: Pestisida Nabati, ekstrak, Plutella xylostella, mortalitas, sawi (Brassica juncea)



The use of chemical pesticides has many negative impacts on the environment, it is necessary for the use of biological pesticide towards sustainable agriculture or environmentally friendly agriculture. In the village were encountered many types of leaves that can be used as a biological pesticide, and therefore this study aims to determine the effectiveness of pesticide plant extracts of the leaves of some plants covering the leaves of tobacco, elephantopus, yellow wood and green betel on mortality of Plutella xylostella pests in plants mustard greens (Brassica juncea L), heavy wet mustard and mustard leaf damage

   This study uses a completely randomized design with the treatment of various crops as a pesticide vegetable. The treatments used 6 kinds (degree) ie negative control (P0), the leaves of tobacco (P1), the leaves of elephantopus (P2), the leaves of yellow wood (P3), the leaves of greens betel (P4) and chemical pesticides as a positive control (P5) with each grade of 10 %. Parameters measured were mortality pests, heavy wet mustard greens and mustard greens leaf damage rate. The analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA.

   The results showed that the extract from the leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), the leaves of elephantopus, the leaves of yellow wood (Arcangelisia flava L.) and the leaves of green betel (Piper betle Linn.) With a 10 percent concentration of the extract on a variety of  leaves are not yet significant effect on mortality pests Plutella xylostella, heavy wet of mustard greens (brassica juncea l.) and severity of leaf mustard greens (brassica juncea l.). The leaf extract the most influence on mortality Plutella xylostella sequential is an extract of the leaves tobacco, the leaves of greens betel, the leaves of yellow wood and the leaves of elephantopus. While the effect on weight of wet mustard greens (Brassica juncea l.) in order are as follows: the leaves of yellow wood, the leaves of green betel, the leaves of elephantopus, and the leaves of tobacco. Meanwhile the level of damage to the mustard greens leaves are starting from the smallest breakdown in order are the leaves of green betel, the leaves of tobacco, the leaves of elephantopus and the leaves of yellow wood.


Keywords: Pesticides Vegetable, extract, Plutella xylostella, mortality, Brassica juncea



Pestisida Nabati, ekstrak, Plutella xylostella, mortalitas, sawi

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