Rifki Chandra Utama, Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Karyati Karyati, , Indonesia



 One of algebraic structure that involves a binary operation is a group that is defined  an un empty set (classical) with an associative binary operation, it has identity elements and each element has an inverse. In the structure of the group known as the term subgroup, normal subgroup, subgroup and factor group homomorphism and its properties. Classical algebraic structure is developed to algebraic structure fuzzy by the researchers as an example semi group fuzzy and fuzzy group after fuzzy sets is introduced by L. A. Zadeh at 1965. It is inspired of writing about semi group fuzzy and group of fuzzy, a research on the algebraic structure of the ring is held with reviewing ring fuzzy, ideal ring fuzzy, homomorphism ring fuzzy and quotient ring fuzzy with its properties. The results of this study are obtained fuzzy properties of the ring, ring ideal properties fuzzy, properties of fuzzy ring homomorphism and properties of fuzzy quotient ring by utilizing a subset of a subset level  and strong level  as well as image and pre-image homomorphism fuzzy ring.



Keywords: fuzzy ring, subset level, homomorphism fuzzy ring, fuzzy quotient ring


fuzzy ring, subset level, homomorphism fuzzy ring, fuzzy quotient ring

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jsd.v5i1.12662


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