Interactive Multimedia Engine Management System (EMS) to Improve Prior Knowledge and Problems Solving Ability
Ahmat Mukhadis, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia, Indonesia
There are three problems in teaching engineering, especially in the field of electricity, those are: (1) students are unable to read electricity wiring; (2) students do not understand the basic concepts of electricity; (3) students do not understand the basic concept of the relationship between the electrical components. The purpose of this article are: (1) to describe multimedia, especially interactive multimedia engine management systems, prior knowledge, problem-solving; (2) to describe the relationship between interactive multimedia and prior knowledge; (3) to describe the relationship between interactive multimedia and problem solving; and (4) to provide the concept of interactive multimedia engine management system. The collection of information in this article uses a literature review or library research. Problem-solving is an attempt to solve problems through high-level thinking (high order thinking). Prior knowledge is the initial knowledge students have when entering topics with the same background. The existence of interactive multimedia or multimedia has a positive impact on prior knowledge. Some interactive multimedia research has a positive impact on the ability of problem-solving.
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