Pengaruh metode uchikomi dan flexibility terhadap hasil bantingan pada pejudo Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui: (1) perbedaan pengaruh antara metode uchikomi dengan menggunakan karet ban sepeda dan uchikomi jalan terhadap hasil bantingan judo, (2) perbedaan hasil bantingan antara pejudo yang memiliki flexibility tinggi dan flexibility rendah, dan (3) interaksi antara metode uchikomi dan flexibility terhadap hasil bantingan judo. Metode penelitian adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan faktorial 2 x 2. Populasi penelitian adalah pejudo D.I. Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 44 pejudo. Sampel penelitian ini 24 pejudo yang diambil dengan teknik Purposive Rondom Sampling. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui tes dan pengukuran. Instrumen penelitian adalah sit and reach dan Randori (dipertandingkan) selama tiga menit. Teknik analisis data menggunakan ANAVA. Hasil penelitian bahwa: (1) ada perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara latihan uchikomi dengan menggunakan karet ban sepeda dan uchikomi jalan terhadap hasil bantingan judo, (2) ada perbedaan yang signifikan hasil bantingan judo antara pejudo yang memiliki flexibility tinggi dan flexibility rendah, dan (3) ada interaksi antara metode uchikomi dan flexibility terhadap hasil bantingan judo.
Kata Kunci: Metode latihan uchikomi, flexibility, judo, hasil bantingan judo.
The effect of uchikomi method and flexibility against dings results among judoka D.I Yogyakarta
This study aimed to determine: (1) the difference between the effect of uchikomi method using rubber tires and on the road uchikomi dings judo results, (2) the difference between the results dings among judoka which have high flexibility and low flexibility, and (3) the interaction between uchikomi method and flexibility of the dings results. This research is experimental with 2 x 2 factorial design. The population was judoka D.I. Yogyakarta, amounting to 44 judokas. The 24 samples were taken with random purposive sampling. All were data obtained through this study to test and measure the flexibility using the sit and reach test and the results of the Randori judo dings (contested) for three minutes. The data analysis technique used is the variant analysis ANOVA. The results of this study indicate that: (1) there is a significant difference between uchikomi exercises using a bicycle tire rubber and on the road uchikomi dings judo results, (2) there is a significant difference between the results of dings judo judoka which have high flexibility and low flexibility, and (3) there is an interaction between uchikomi method and flexibility against dings judo results.
Keywords: Uchikomi method exercise, flexibility, judo, judo slam resultKeywords
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