Pengembangan model permainan untuk pembelajaran kinestetik pada anak tunanetra
Sumaryanti Sumaryanti, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata Kunci: pengembangan, modelpermainan, kinestetik, anak tunanetra
This study aims to produce a model of kinesthetic learning games for children with visual impairment. This development research is modified into two stages: a preliminary stage and development stage. Preliminary stage includes (1) conducting a literature review; (2) relevant research; (3) observations; and (4) a preliminary study. Stages of development include (1) developing initial products; (2) expert validation; (3) small-scale trials; (4) large-scale trials and effectiveness trials; and (5) operational products. A Small-scale trialwas conducted to 13 children in SDLB-A Yaketunis. Large-scale trials and effectiveness trials wereconducted to 22 children in SDLB-A Yaketunis, SLB Negri 1 Bantul and Kulon Progo SLB Negri 1. Effectiveness trials used a pre-experiment test with one group pretest-posttest. Instruments of data collection used questionnaires, observation sheets and game ratings sheets. Guttman Scale Data Analysis technique was used to analyze the data. The final result of this study is a product of kinesthetic learning game model for children with visual impairment. Games model on kinesthetic learning is a game model that was designed for visually impaired children inupper class of SDLB specifications. This model plays 6 games, namely: (1) Find A Friend Game, (2) Balpin Game, (3) Sound Train Game, (4) Sound Obstacle Game, (5) Zig-zag Balloon Game, and (6) Cheerful Circle Game. From the effectiveness trials, it is shown that those six games arepractically effective. The model of packed into a guide book and DVD.
Keywords: development, game model, kinesthetic, visual impairment childrenKeywords
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