Pengembangan alat tempo trainer untuk membantu efisiensi gerakan lengan gaya bebas cabang olahraga renang
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat tempo trainer untuk membantu efisiensi gerakan lengan gaya bebas pada cabang olahraga renang. Uji coba skala kecil dilakukan terhadap 4 pelatih dan 10 atlet di perkumpulan renang Tirta Alvita dan Yuso. Uji coba skala besar dilakukan terhadap 10 pelatih dan 25 atlet di perkumpulan renang Tirta Alvita, Yuso, Dolphin, Caesar, dan Arwana. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah angket berdasarkan analisis PIECES (performance, information, economic, control, efficiency, service). Hasil penilaian ahli, pelatih, dan atlet terhadap alat tempo trainer menunjukkan bahwa penilaian berkategori baik, valid, dan reliabel. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, alat tempo trainer yang dikembangkan dapat menghitung siklus gerakan lengan gaya bebas, bisa mengeluarkan suara yang didengar oleh pelatih dan atlet, bisa digunakan untuk lebih dari satu atlet, serta lebih terjangkau. Penilaian pelatih menunjukkan hasil valid dengan nilai rata-rata indikator PIECES memperoleh nilai rxy > r tabel = 0,632, reliabel dengan hasil nilai r = 0,908. Penilaian draf alat tempo trainer oleh atlet berkategori baik, valid dengan nilai rxy > r tabel = 0,750.
Developing the Tool of Tempo Trainer to Help Efficiency of Arm Movement in the Freestyle on the Branch of Swimming
This research aimed to develop the tools of Tempo Trainer to help efficiency of arm freestyle movement on the branch of swimming. Small-scale trials were conducted on four coaches and 10 athletes in the swimming association Tirta Alvita and Yuso. Large-scale trial was conducted on 10 coaches and 25 athletes in the swimming association Tirta Alvita, Yuso, Dolphin, Caesar, and Arowana. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire based on the analysis PIECES (Performance, Information, Economic, Control, Efficiency, Services). The assessment result of experts, coaches, and athletes toward Tempo Trainer tool shows that the assessment categoryis good, valid and reliable. Based of the resultsthat Tempo Trainer tool developed can count the number of cycles of freestyle movement, a sound that can be heard by coaches and athletes, can be used for more than one athlete, as well as it is more affordable. The coaches assessment shows valid results with every indicator PIECES obtain value rxy > r table = 0.632, with reliable results rxy = 0.908. The assessment of Tempo Trainer draft tool by athletes is good and valid with the result of the rxy > r table = 0.750.
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