Android-Based Virtual Laboratory with Starter Experiment Approach on Vertebrate Animal Organ System Material for Senior High School
Medika Risnasari, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
Practical activities in learning the vertebrate animal organ system are rarely carried out by teachers due to the limitations of inadequate laboratory tools and materials so that learning is limited to conceptual or theoretical. This has an impact on students' understanding which is less than optimal in understanding the material being studied. The use of information and communication technology is one effort to overcome this problem. So that an android-based virtual laboratory was developed as a learning medium by implementing the starter experiment approach (SEA) which is oriented towards process skills through experiments. The purpose of this study was to develop and determine the validity and feasibility of an android-based virtual laboratory with a starter experiment approach on the material of the vertebrate animal organ system for grade XI SMA along with LKP (Practical Worksheets) as supporting media from the results of laboratory activities. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The results obtained from this study, namely the validation results by media experts obtained a value of 91% and material experts obtained a value of 89% with the category "very valid". Furthermore, the results of the trial targets divided into three stages, namely individual trials with 3 respondents obtained a value of 91%, small group trials with 6 respondents obtained a value of 96% and large group trials with 21 respondents obtained a value of 94% with the category "very feasible". Thus, the android-based virtual laboratory with an experimental starter approach on the material of the vertebrate animal organ system for class XI SMA is very valid and feasible to use in learning.
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