Audience Engagement in Practice Tests and Instructional Videos on YouTube
Lidiah Tereda Iwo, Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
As a digital platform for sharing videos, YouTube has vast potential to provide a place for sharing educational content. It is an accessible platform to assist students in gaining information and knowledge for educational needs. This study examines and describes audience engagement and viewing patterns between two types of educational videos: instructional videos and practice test videos on a single Indonesian educational YouTube channel. This study employed a quantitative descriptive approach to identify audience engagement and viewing patterns for both two categories of videos. The data is collected through YouTube analytics with a population of 218 educational videos. The sample used is 139 videos chosen from the two video categories using proportional random sampling, ensuring each category is represented. The finding reveals that practice test videos receive higher engagement than instructional videos in the identified metrics and viewing patterns. This research provides insight to educational content creators and those involved in the educational field optimizing content strategy for educational content on digital platforms.
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