Pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif IPA untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada materi Mikroorganisme SMP
Ali Muhtadi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kata kunci: multimedia pembelajaran interaktif, mikroorganisme
This research aims to: (1) to produce an appropriate interactive learning multimedia of science for teaching on the microorganisms topic, for Junior High School students, and (2) to reveal the appropriate of interactive learning multimedia of science designed for teaching, toward the students understanding on the microorganisms topic. This development research refers to the stages developed by Alessi & Trollip. The development design used in this research is divided into 3 stages namely: (a) planning, (b) designing, and (c) developing. The results show the following results. (1) The material expert assessed the aspects of learning and material aspects with good category (scale 4.15), the media experts judged the aspects of the media in good category (scale 4.2), and students (user) assessed the aspects of learning, material, and media aspects with very good category (scale 4.5). Results suggest that interactive learning multimedia are considered good as a learning material for junior high school students. (2) The results of field trials (pretest and post test results) show that this medium is appropriate for improving learners' understanding on the microorganism topic.
Keywords: interactive learning multimedia, microorganismsKeywords
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