Pengembangan game edukasi berbasis android tentang domain teknologi pendidikan
Haryanto Haryanto, FIP UNY, Indonesia
Kata kunci: game edukasi, domain TP, Android
The study aims to produce an Android game on EduTech Domain materials which appropriate as an alternative learning media for students of Educational Technology in FIP UNY. Appropriateness was known through assessment of experts, future users, and learning usability. The product development procedure implemented through five main stages: preliminary study, planning, design, development, and evaluation. Data collection was done by preliminary study interview, learning style identification, expert validation, future users validation, and experimental testing. The participants consisted of a supporting lecturer, two experts of media and subject matter, seven students, and also 60 students. The result showed that the developed product has been able to reach appropriateness criterion from the validations of media, subject matter, future users, and usability testing. Subject matter experts assessment included in the very appropriate category, while media experts and future users included in the appropriate category. The product are also had usability appropriateness evidently based on differences between the mean values of pre-test and post-test of both test group, so that the comparison of gain value showed a significant differences.
Keywords: educational game, EduTech domains, Android
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