Sherly Hindra Negoro, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Smoking has became the serious problem which always to be the classical dynamic of
health communication’s field. Through health campaign by using pictorical warning in
cigarette packs, Indonesian Government has priority to reduce the number of smokers
in Indonesia. Pictorical warning in cigarette packs was regard as one of communication
strategic for implementing. Health campaign has outcome that could change the
health behavior for the persuadee. Visualization by using image becomes persuasive
communication tools cigarette packs as the communication media. EPPM model was
used to analysis this case. This paper was using literature study to understand this


Persuasive Communication, Health Campaign, Pictorical Warning

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/informasi.v46i2.11794


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