Suwarna Suwarna,


The pwpose of this research is to describe the educational pattern of children by women
labor ofthe infonnal sector·in Yogyakarta municipality.
The subjects of this research are wotnen labor of the infonnal sector at Maliboro Street,
Yogyakarta. This research is the survei research. The instrument used in this research is a
questionare, an observation sheet, and an interview question list. Data are analysed by using a
descriptive technique.
Based on the analysis, it shows that: (1) why the women work in the infonnal sector is
aimed at helping their husband for making a living (55%) and seeking their children's education
cost (45%). (2) The women who cany out the infonnal education pattern can be categorized in
two namely good (36.55%) and poor (63.45%). (3) The women who support the fonnal
education pattern can be explained that the good categoty is 61.33%, while tIle poor categol)' is
38.67%. (4) The women.who support the nonfonnal education pattern can be categorized ina
two namely good category (11.83%) and poor category (88.17%). This can concluded that
women labor of the infonnal sector in to educate the children tend to believe the fonnal
education, while for the infonnal and non-fonnal education they lacked attention. (5) The main
problems faced in their children's education is that the mother have no time to educate the
children. This leads lack of togetherness, lack of intimacy, free relationship, and stubbron. The
other problems are that education cost is very limited, the mothers Jack helping student's handle
the subjects provided, and the children tend to believe the other people.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/cp.v2i2.9335


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