HM Sukardi HM Sukardi,


l'h0Ug/1 regional autonomy was alread.y declared to start being in effect in
January 2001, lteads o.t·governntent offices and the public in getleral in ntany provinces and
regencies are still Izesitanf in putting tlze pO/icy into practice.
The obJ'ective (~f tIle discussion in tlzis article on dynamic planning througlf
Training Need A~ssessntent(rNA) is I() provide the basis (if (Jperati()nal rationale and actual
steps related to planning oriented to tIle need,; (~fsociety, which has seldom been done all
tltis til1te·as a consequence oj'overly centrally dOllzinated aut/torily causil'zg /fead officials of
regional inJstitutions to junetion only as good execut()rs ofpolicies.
The process ofplanning a INA-oriented institution oj'education and training goes
tltroug/l seven intportant steps: (a) .forlning a planning team tltat work well togel/fer and
represent bottom, middle, and top layer Ilead o.fficia/s, (b) making ..\~urveys on the trends and
issues related to tile per.formance tllat will become tlte target oj~ improvement, (c) cJloosing
tlte approacll to he used to determine the direction (if tlte rNA planning, (d) designing or
developing instruments 111at will effiCiently elicit if1:formation from users or customers, (e)
distributing the instrulnents to the users, administratively processing tltose tltat return, and
analy=ing tJleln on tIle basis ()j' users' responses, (f) interpreting, assessing, and ranking to
make, decisions on needs' priority, and (g) submit the priorities of needs as the basic
materials in planning tile institutiOl1 's programs.
Tllroug/l tlze step,,~· above, tlze planning of education and training is Il0ped to
possess cltaracteristics tlzat support tile acJlievelnenf o.fthe programs ' ~ffectiveness.

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