Saefur Rochmat,


Refonnation in education on religion should start with a fun­
damental change in the philosophy of religious education in the
ofIndonesia by constructing a system ofreligious edu­
cation suitable for modem society and able
to counter the nega­
tive impacts
ofmodem civilization. Cooperation and coordina­
tion among religions are required to refonnulate the vision,
strategy, and operational techniques ofreligious educa­
tion. We should change the approach to religious education from
the theologically minded one into that based on ethics in order
that dialogical communication among religions and even differ­
ent sects within religions is made possible.
John Naisbitt's and Patricia Aburdane's prediction
ofa reli­
gious awakening in the
21" century still needs considerable evi­
dence to support its validity. The number
ofreligious followers
has indeed increased but practice in religious teachings is still of
low quality so that the increase has not significantly contributed
to the fulfillment
ofthe aspect ofsalvation in life in the fonn of
justice, welfare, security, and consistence oflaw. The riots that
have broken out since early 1998 have also soiled the image
religion. The material aspects ofmodem or Western civilization

still impress many and particularly those belonging to the
younger generation who are yet to find their identity. The West
has become more confident in claiming its way as the way to the
salvation after the fall
ofthe Berlin wall, which has been a sym­
ofthe supremacy ofcommunism, in spite ofthe shOCk felt by
both the Western and Eastern blocs when the Islamic revolution
in Iran led by someone considered traditional succeeded in top­
pling the ruling Reza Pahlevi.
Indonesia can be considered a state which is still faithful to
religion because no Indonesian is willing to
be called an atheist
though he is a communist. Indonesia can also be considered the
world's greatest Islamic state because its number ofIslamic fol­
lowers is the largest in any country the world. Consequently,
Islamic followers have a significant role in establishing salva­
tion in life. That
h\ls also been the reason why the aforemen­
tioned riots have affected Islam's image. But it has not stopped
with Islam.
It has also reflected on other religions, blamed for
being unable to bring salvation in life and, moreover, for being
to become an alternative to materialistic modem society.
The solution is a religious education which is more ethics-based
in approach rather than solely theological

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