adminBambang Syaeful Hadi,
Iffah Nurhayati,


The industrial culture as a product ofan increasingly indus­
trial society has greatly influenced the educational system.
Its hegemony in the educational system has shifted educational
idealism. Since the industrial culture assumes that man is a
factor in production, the aim of education has started to
changefrom its original course for the sake of meeting the
of the industrial field, the market for its product. A
further consequence of this is that the output of education
no longer meets the expectation concerning what is essentially
worthy to be the objective
of education, which is to develop
human resources with all their potentials into better individuals
who are independent and increasingly aware
of the essence of
their humanity.
There are supposed to be three main agents of education,
i.e., the family, the school, and society. However, today the school
tends to be the main support ofeducation while the educatiomil .
system running
at schools now in operation has diverged from
the original idealism
ofeducation. Education in one alternative
.religion, Islam, has not achieved what is intended by the Koran
and Hadits, either, because there are not yet any adequate willand ability among Moslems to interpret creatively the religious
teachings and transfer them into some form
of educational sys­
tem together with its operational steps.
The hegemony
ofindustrial culture has "forced" the execu­
of education to use educational concepts and designs that
support industrial needs
in order that the educational output would
be wel1-prepared
to enter the job market. The educational system
is then also designed in such a way that practical and pragmatic
teaching materials have a greater portion than the students'
values in ethics, social matters, religiosity, behavior, and men­
tality. This phenomenon will speed up a process
tion that
wil1 eventual1y result in social and national destruction.
Therefore, there need
to be steps of reorientation, restructuring,
and innovation in the educational system that are based on
ofthe self and stick to religious values to achieve the
real educational objective

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/cp.v3i3.8728


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