Academic challenges of visually impaired students at Hail University
Abdulrahman bin Ali bin Abdullah Alduaylij, College of Sharia and Law, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
This study investigated the academic experiences of visually impaired students at Hail University, addressing a critical gap in understanding accessibility challenges in Saudi higher education. The research aimed to identify barriers in three key areas: learning material accessibility, exam accommodation effectiveness, and faculty awareness of student needs. Using a qualitative phenomenological approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with five visually impaired students selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and validated using member checking and peer debriefing techniques. Thematic analysis revealed several significant barriers: (1) inconsistent accessibility of digital course materials, with 80% of students reporting difficulties with PDF documents and presentation slides; (2) limitations in exam accommodations, particularly insufficient time allowances and inadequate screen reader compatibility; and (3) varying levels of faculty awareness, with only 20% of instructors proactively addressing accessibility needs. The study's novelty lies in its comprehensive examination of the intersection between digital accessibility, academic accommodations, and faculty preparedness in a Middle Eastern university context, providing insights previously unexplored in Saudi Arabian higher education. The findings contribute to developing evidence-based recommendations for improving institutional support systems and faculty training programs, ultimately enhancing educational experiences for visually impaired students in similar institutional contexts.
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