A study of teaching experience and teacher-parent collaboration in managing students’ disruptive behaviours
Zvisinei Moyo, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
This study examines the role of teaching experience and teacher-parent collaboration in managing students' disruptive behaviours in secondary schools in Nigeria. A total of 367 teachers participated in the study. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analysed using one-way Analysis of variance and the Pearson moment correlation. The findings indicate differences in teachers' years of teaching experience determine how students’ disruptive behaviours are managed. However, a non-significant weak positive correlation was found between teacher-parent collaboration and students' disruptive behaviour management (r = 0.95, p =.068). These results underscore the importance of teachers teaching experience in ameliorating disruptive behaviours. Based on these findings, teacher mentoring programme involving peering of senior and junior teachers as mentor and mentees respectively for effective classroom management should be implemented.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/cp.v44i1.77032
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