Elsinta radio’s social message to build the value of communication wisdom and citizens cultural identity
Mukhlish Muhammad Maududi, Department of Communication Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA
As an interactive media, a radio has social responsibility to the community on the understanding the policy of multicultural education from language diversity point of view. This study was to analyze the existence of radio as a type of electronic media that has a role and function as a medium of information, education, and entertainment for the community. We approached the study focus by using theory of multicultural education value, and supported by the theory of social media responsibility. The results of the study showed that Elsinta as one of the private radio stations in Indonesia through the broadcast content of RBI which had become a radio characteristic in presenting broadcast material that need to be used as a capital and model to develop multicultural communication education innovations. Therefore, to build a community perspective, it was necessary to be based on the value of the wisdom of the diversity of languages in Indonesia, packaged into learning materials for the community. This study contributes academically to the community as an effort to strengthen the value of the wisdom of language diversity.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jc.v19i2.53527
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