Lusila Andrirni Purwastuti Lusila Andrirni Purwastuti,



The political condition in Indonesia is poor at prescnt.This condition is caused by a lot of factors. The nlaill factor causing it is the existing poitical structure, which is clot functional. Another factor is the inappropriate practice of political education for society iin general and students in
particular. This present inappropriate political education iis
focussed on how to obtain power and how to guarantee national
stability, so Ihat it does not reach the most fundamental
dimension of human life, namely, human rights. Therefore, it is
about time that the orientation of political education be
The political education should not be simply oriented ro
political socialization of human rights. The reasons are that,
firstly, political rights are just a small part of human rigl~ls,
secondly, human rights are a dominant issue in the globali7ation
era, and, thirdly, political education is essentially opening the
consciousness that the political field is not a means of actualizing
power values but rather a means of actualizing the noble values
of humanism.
One part of society to be the target of political educatio~~
is college students, to whom the political education oriented to
human rights can be performed through formal or nonformal
education. In the college, political education is curricularly
integrated in the general subject classes. In the course of the
conversion of IKIP into a university, the MKU (short for Mata
Kuliah Umum, meaning general subject classes) can be the
stepping stones to initiate the implementation of political
cducation oriented to human rights. There should be ways to
integrate the values of human rights into the general subject
classes as a whole in order that these classes can equip students
in becoming more mature and responsible in playing a part in
the political field so that it will finally help to bring the political
condition in Indonesia to becoming one more human.

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