Ferry Adenan,


Since 1945 English Language Education in Indonesia has been carried out according to
different approaches and methods. These meet the needs of the era. English language teaching in
Indonesia Iias experienced implementation according to the structural approach until the
communicative approach at present. At the time when the structural approach was dominant, two
sigtlificant method? were implemented, namely, the grammar-translation and the audiolingual
method. The tests on English followed the methods that were implemented
Tests on Eilglish language education for the grammar-translation method differed from those
for the audio linbml Translation, English composition writing, literary criticism, parsing exercises,
and .language analyses were the test form given according to grammar-translation method which
were characterized by uncontrolled subjective evaluation. G o d , valid, reliable, practical and
objective tests, statistical counts and indirect testing using multiple choice, true-false, matching an
conlpletion as well as objective system of evaluation were carried out following the audio lingual
In the next development both the methods and' the forms of English Language testing less
fulfilled the standard of English mastery of learners in the era of globalization where
communication along nations of different countries happen very quickly because of the progress
made in the field of science and technology such as the invention of internet, E-mail, facsimile,
became the creed of tile era lerefore, since 1994 the communicative approach in English
language education has been adopted. Integrative socio-linguistics, which is the basis of the
commur~icative approach, is predicted to arm the students with enough language competence to be
able to paform commurrication in various situations and conditions in life. Communicative Ehglish
language tests appear to be very cornplex and difficult for tested as well as for test designers to
constmct. As an alternative solution to the problem, this article offers same approaches, techique,
and procedures and steps in constructing the tests, accompanied by clear examples in the appendix.

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