Bada Haryadi,


The programs of vocational secondary school (SMK) are
derived from the real requirement of employment Serious
attentions for productior! unit management are needed in
realizing such program and so are the participations of industgal
and business. Production udit of vocational vocational secondary
school is a business process conducted in school, which is
profit oriented in nature and the school members act as a player,
optimizing resources of schools and its surroundings, into variety
business unit suitable to its capabilities and is managed professionally.
By the professionalism of increasing production unit, there
are chances to improve the quality of vocational secondary school
high school, educationally, economically, or socially In term of
education, students may irnbrove their knowledge. skills,
organizing capabilities of business, practicing disciplines and
initiative, adding the study intensity, and be able to follow the
science and technological advancement; in term of economics,
increasing the income and welfare, encourage decision taken upon
economics consideration, increasing school's income for being more independent, increasing sources of facility maintenance cost,
and increasing sources of school's operational cost; in term of
social, increasing the sense of togetherness -md responsibilities % .
among all the school members in performing learning program,
encourage business spirits to improve welfare, socializing school
into the community, business society, upon education operation,
graduation, and business product.
For production unit to run well, there are needed of ( I ) transparency,
by which the participant will be attracted in production
unit activities. Transparency of financial in particular may lead
to an honest behavior, admiration, and good examples; (2) fair in
5 - distribution and working process by which all participant may , ,
also be attracted in productjon unit activities; (3) power sharing,
by which the working process should be accelerated by the hand
of expert; (4) risk taking, which is a consequence of performing
production unit. Management may terminate the program when
the risk is considered too much. To develop production unit that
lead to fill the requirement as complementary institution in field
practice of SMK students, its existence should be developed by
feasibility study and SWOT analyses.

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