Burhan Nurgiyantoro,


Efforts to develop children's personality to the optimum should be made via
various aspects
mlife, one of which is children's literature. Such literature is at
present believed to be able to significantly.contribute to the shaping of children's
personality. Therefore,
it needs to be given its proper place in the learning and
learning achievement evaluation activities at school, which is in line with what is
stated in the curriculum now in use, i.e., KTSP (short for Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan
Perfdidikan, which means the Curriculum at the Level of Educational Unit), for
elementary school in referring to
the school subject Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia
(which means Education in the Indonesian Language).
In running classes of children's literature for children of pre"school age through
to early adolescence in elementary school and early junior high school classes, one
should pay attention to a number of significant related matters. They are, among
others, the learning objective, type of children's literature, selection of learning
strategy, utilization
of media, development of teacher creativity, and showing of
teacher attitude expressing empathy. Evaluation
is also related here because
leartlingalways goes together with its evaluation. The techniques ofevaluation that
be made use of are, among others, those employing quizzes, assignments,
Observations, interviews,
and portfolios. The learning and evaluation activities are
not -to be limited to the classroom. Most are to be done ontside the classroom by
condncting collaborations with parents

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/cp.v3i3.8577


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