Soenarto Soenarto,


This article is based on a research conducted to know the

implementation and result of the New Entrepreneurs' Training

(NET) and the Productive Economic Institution Training (PElT)

held as some of the efforts to solve the problem of unemployment handled by the part of the Social Security Network Program taken care of by the Province of the Yogyakarta Special Territory's Regional Office ofthe Employment Department. The focus of the research was on determining how far the training programs could help overcome the unemployment in particularly that province as a result of Indonesia's recent economic crisis.

All the 1140 trainees became the research populatioILand 450 of them were taken as a proportional sample. The data were

obtained by means ofa questionnaire composed on the basis of adifferential semantic scale.

From the research it is found that (1) the NET has produced

good results, with 88% of the trainees having produced proposals for the establishment of new business companies complete

with planned programs and costs and 66% of the trainees having already started running their business; (2) the business companies started have good prospects in the current

situation of crisis and the degree ofhow well they run is categorized

moderate; (3) the knowledge. and skills acquired in the

training suit the trainees' needs and are beneficial to them in

runningtheir business; (4) further intensive guidance and advisory

assistance fortrainees as the follow-up of the training are

also made available bythe institution conducting the training;

(5) the PEIT has produced moderately good results, with 60% of

the trainees having been absorbed, channeled, and positioned as

employees at companies they are apprenticed to or at companies

pioneered by the NET; (6) 40% ofthe trainees have not received

employment because they have refused the positions found for

them for the reason that the salary offered has been lower than

the required Regional Minimum Fee, because of the economic

slump, and because of no fault of the institution conducting the

training; (7) the knowledge and skills acquired in the training

suit the trainees' needs and beneficially arm them in looking for

work; and (8) the apprenticeship and guidance programs run by

the institution conducting the training are running moderately

well and extremely helpful in job seeking.

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