Ivan Hanafi,
Mufti Ma’sum,


Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pendidikan dan menelaah peran, fungsi, dan tugas komite sekolah terhadap komponen input, proses, dan output pada SMK di Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan populasi SMK di Jakarta dan sampel diambil secara purposive stratified. Pengumpulan data dilakukan lewat studi dokumen dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan secara dekriptif dan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan peran komite sekolah masih cukup tinggi, kecuali peran pengawasan (controlling) dan mediasi antara sekolah dengan dunia kerja dan industri (mediating) yang relatif rendah. Padahal, peran mediating justru sangat dibutuhkan oleh SMK sebagai institusi pendidikan yang memiliki karakteristik khusus, yakni menyiapkan peserta didik terjun ke lapangan kerja.Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan upaya mendorong agar komite sekolah SMK memiliki kapasitas untuk menjadi mediator yang baik antara sekolah dengan dunia kerja dan industri agar SMK dapat menyiapkan lulusan yang berkualitas sesuai dengan tuntutan lapangan kerja yang senantiasa berubah dinamis. Kata Kunci: implementasi, kebijakan pendidikan, komite sekolah, sekolah menengah kejuruan
AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL POLICY: ROLE OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE IN THE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS Abstrak: The study was aimed to analyze the implementation of the educational policy and to examine the role, functions and duties of the School Committee to the input, process and output components in the vocational high schools in Jakarta. This study used a survey method with the population of all vocational high schools in Jakarta and the sample was taken using the purposive stratified sampling technique. The data were collected using documents and interviews. All the data were analyzed descriptively. The findings showed that as a whole the school committee has high roles, except in the controlling role. The school committee had a low role in mediating the schools and industries. Yet, the mediating role was very much needed by vocational high schools which had specific characteristics, that is, preparing students to work. Therefore, the school committee should be encouraged to have the capacity to mediate the schools and the industries so that the schools could produce high quality graduates in response to the dynamic demand of the industries. Keywords: implementation, educational policy, school committee, vocational high schools

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