Andriyansah .,
Fatia Fatimah,


Abstrak: Penggiatan usaha dari Unit Program Belajar Jarak Jauh perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan jumlah mahasiswa Non-Pendidikan Dasar. UPBJJ-UT Padang memiliki jumlah aktif mahasiswa NonPendas yang sama setiap masa registrasi, persentase kelulusan mahasiswa kurang dari 8%. Salah satu perbaikan untuk peningkatan persentase lulusan melalui optimalisasi aktivitas belajar dari mahasiswa. Aktivitas belajar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan aktivitas belajar, faktor, dan dampaknya terhadap prestasi belajar pada mahasiswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Non-Pendas UPBJJUT Padang masa registrasi 2012.1 sebanyak 920 orang. Aktivitas belajar mahasiswa masih rendah karena motivasinya hanya mengejar ijazah. Faktor yang berperan adalah ikut tutorial online, akses layanan belajar, dan membeli buku di toko buku online. Layanan belajar dan bahan ajar berpengaruh signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar. Kata Kunci : analisis, aktivitas belajar, prestasi belajar AN ANALYSIS OF THE NON-ELEMENTARY-EDUCATION STUDENTS OF UPBJJ-UT PADA Abstract: To activate effort of the Distance Learning Program Unit is needed to increase the number of the non-elementary-education students. The number of the non-elementary-education students is the same each registration period. However, the percentage of the graduates is less than 8%. One improvement to increase the percentage of the graduates through the optimum student learning activities. Learning activities could improve learning achievement. This study aimed to describe the learning activities, the factors and their impact on students’ achievement. The research method used the descriptive quantitative method. The population was non-elementary-education students of UPBJJ-UT Padang in the 2012.1 registration period consisting of 920 students. Their learning activities were low because their intention was only for getting the certificate. Factors that affected the learning activities were to participate in online tutorials, to access learning services and to buy books at online bookstores. The learning service and teaching materials significantly influenced the learning achievement. Keywords: analysis, learning activities, learning achievement

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