Edi Purwanta,
Hermanto Hermanto,
Farida Harahap,


Abstrak: Berwirausaha adalah salah satu alternatif masa depan bagi para penyandang kebutuhan khusus, tetapi belum banyak yang menekuninya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan ABK untuk berwirausaha. Penelitian dilakukan melalui survei terhadap 37 siswa berkebutuhan khusus yang terdiri atas 19 laki-laki dan 18 perempuan dari 4 SLB di Yogyakarta. Sampel diambil secara purposif, yaitu mereka yang sudah berada di kelas lanjutan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuestioner, wawancara, dan skala eksplorasi karier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 27 orang belum mantap untuk berwirausaha dan 10 sudah mantap. Eksplorasi karier dan intensitas untuk berwirausaha termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Hambatan terbesar yang dirasakan siswa berkebutuhan khusus ada tiga hal, yaitu kurangnya informasi mengenai lapangan kerja, tidak bisa mengambil keputusan, dan tidak mengenali kemampuan diri. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa berkebutuhan khusus sangat membutuhkan berbagai bantuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan minat berwirausaha. Kata Kunci: anak berkebutuhan khusus, kebutuhan berwirausaha ANALYSIS OF THE NEED OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP OF STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Abstract: Entrepreneurship is one of the possibilities people with special needs can consider for their future, but not many of them have done it. This study aims to identify the needs of students with special needs for entrepreneurship. The study was conducted through a survey to 37 students with special needs, 19 males and 18 females from four SLBs in Yogyakarta. Students of advanced classeswere selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and career exploration scale. The results show that 27 students are not ready and 10 students are ready for doing entrepreneurship. Career exploration and intensity for entrepreneurship can be categorized medium. The biggest obstacles experienced by students with special needs are lack of information about employment, inability in decision making, and inability in self-identification. The results of this study show that students with special needs need various helps for improving their motivation and interest in entrepreneurship.


children with special needs, needs of entrepreneur (self-employed)

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