
Issue Title
Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Februari Pentingnya kelas kewirausahaan pada SMK Pariwisata Abstract  PDF
Badraningsih Lastariwati
Vol 9, No 1 (2019): February The contribution of technopreneurship scientific learning and learning readiness towards the entrepreneurship learning outcomes in higher vocational education Abstract  Fulltext PDF
Hendra Hidayat, Boy Yendra Tamin, Susi Herawati, Khairul Khairul, Eril Syahmaidi
Vol 8, No 2 (2018): June Learning outcomes with the application of product based entrepreneurship module in vocational higher education Abstract  Fulltext PDF
Asmar Yulastri, Hendra Hidayat, Ganefri Ganefri, Fuji Edya, Syaiful Islami
Vol 3, No 3 (2013): November Kesiapan berwirausaha siswa SMK kompetensi teknik komputer dan jaringan di Gunungkidul Abstract  PDF
Sri Supraba, Dwi Rahdiyanta
Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Februari Integrasi bahan ajar kewirausahaan bidang produktif bangunan Abstract  PDF
V Lilik Hariyanto
Vol 14, No 1 (2024): February The influence of creativity and learning motivation on entrepreneurial intentions of fisheries vocational high school students Abstract  PDF
Priyono Priyono, Achmad Imam Agung, I Gusti Putu Asto Buditjahjanto, Lilik Anifah, Tomi Agfianto
Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Februari Pengetahuan sikap tindak wirausaha melalui pendidikan teknologi pengolahan hasil pertanian Abstract  PDF
Asih Kuswardinah
Vol 14, No 1 (2024): February The effect of local potential-based workshop and entrepreneurship learning in increasing entrepreneurial interest Abstract  PDF
Octaverina Kecvara Pritasari, Marniati Marniati, I Wayan Susila
Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Februari Praksis pembelajaran kewirausahaan pada unit produksi jasa boga Abstract  PDF
Tuatul Mahfud
Vol 13, No 3 (2023): November Analysis of entrepreneurial readiness of family welfare education study program students concentrating in culinary arts Abstract  PDF
Yuli Heirina Hamid, Fadhilah Fadhilah, Laili Suhairi, Yuri Gagarin, Abdullah Abdullah
Vol 11, No 1 (2021): February Performance evaluation of entrepreneurship teachers in accounting vocational program Abstract  PDF
Irena Puspitaningratri, Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro
Vol 10, No 3 (2020): November The influence of parenting, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial interest toward the learning motivation of creative products and entrepreneurship of culinary management vocational school students Abstract  PDF
Naning Yulianti Antonia, Badraningsih Lastariwati
Vol 9, No 1 (2019): February Use of the Delphy Technique: a case for the development of ecotourism in western Lombok Abstract  Fulltext PDF
Rahmawati Rahmawati, Soenarto Soenarto
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