Akuisisi kompetensi siswa pada kompetensi keahlian teknik instalasi tenaga listrik melalui praktik kerja industri
Pardjono Pardjono, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata kunci: akuisisi, kompetensi instalasi listrik, hasil belajar, praktik kerja industri
This research aimed to reveal the acquisition electric power installation competencies of vocational high school students through industrial work practice. The research used the qualitative case study approach. The informants of this research were industrial mentors, school mentors, and students who participated in the industrial job practice. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and observation. The data analysis technique adopted the interactive analysis model of Miles & Huberman which included data collection, data reduction, data display, and drawing and verifying conclusions. The result of this research showed that: (1) the process through which the students acquired competence could be seen from three aspects: aspect of knowledge (observing, discussing, and practicing); aspect of skills (students observed, supervisor gave examples, students diagnosed problems, students began working, students asked questions, and mentors checked the results of the work); and aspect of attitude (demand, adoption, and habit); and (2) the competence the students obtained could be seen from three aspects: aspects of knowledge (the world of work, socializing, serving customers, working in teams, and knowledge in the field of electric power), aspects of skills (socializing, serve customers, work in teams, and expertise in the field of electric power), and aspects of attitude (disciplined, hard-working, responsible, interested in working, and interested in entrepreneurship).
Keywords: acquisition, electric power installation competencies, learning outcome, industrial work practice
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jpv.v6i2.9550
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