Systematic Literature Review on Ecoliteracy Learning in the Lower Elementary School Grades

Rahmania Utari, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This study was aimed to determine the appropriate teaching materials, methods, and  media for ecoliteracy learning in the lower elementary school grades (grade 1, 2 and 3). The research method used is Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Out of 719 literature sources, six met the inclusion criteria. From these six sources, it is known that ecoliteracy teaching materials for elementary school students are closely related to their daily lives and are concrete in nature. In developed countries, ecoliteracy teaching materials are often integrated with science. In terms of methods, the literature review indicates that ecoliteracy teaching processes in developed countries emphasize activities such as reading, experiments, learning outside the classroom, and interpreting processes, while in developing countries, it tends to be more traditional. In terms of media, the six literature sources highlight the use of concrete media, utilizing objects around students, and choosing green open spaces that allow children to explore nature. Overall, the findings show that research on ecoliteracy learning in the lower grades of elementary school is still very limited. Therefore, this literature review can serve as a foundation for applied research on STEM approaches to ecoliteracy in students from the first to the third grades of elementary school. This study also highlighted the importance of research in the professional development of teachers in the field of ecoliteracy and science literacy.


ecoliteracy learning; science literacy; lower elementary school grades


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