Pengembangan model bermain sepakbola untuk meningkatkan aspek psikologis anak usia 12 -13 tahun di Yogyakarta
Tomoliyus Tomoliyus, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata Kunci: model, bermain, psikologis, sekolah sepakbola
Development a playing soccer model to improve the psychological aspects of 12-13 years old children in Yogyakarta
This research aims to develop a playing soccer model to improve the psychological aspects (spirit, joy, and discipline) of 12-13 years old children in Yogyakarta. This study is a research and development which consists of two stages. The Preliminary research stage and development stage. The Preliminary research stage consisted of a literature review, relevant research studies and field studies. The Development stage consisted of planning, validation expert, small-scale test, and test large scale. The Validation involve three people experts. The sampel of take it from soccer school in Yogyakarta. The small-scale tryout was conducted on 10 students and one coach of Real Madrid Soccer School in Yogyakarta. The large-scale trials were conducted with two soccer school on 38 students and two coach of Yogyakarta Real Madrid Soccer School and Sleman Bina Putra Jaya Soccer School. The resul is a playing soccer model for children aged 12-13 years with the title "Playing Soccer in Practice to Improve Psychological Aspects". Based on the small-scale tryout and the small-scale tryout content implementation aspects are in an excellent category. The Psychological development of students assessment resulting in the form of passion, joy, and discipline in playing soccer show improvement: score of the second meeting is greater than the average score of the first meeting, thus it can be concluded thaat the playing soccer model for children age 12-13 years is effective to improve students’ psychological aspects, including the aspects of spirit, joy, and discipline in doing soccer practice.
Keywords: models, play, psychological, soccer schoolKeywords
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