The narration of religion on television, reconstruction of meaning and diversity

Benni Setiawan, SCOPUS ID 57222870975, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This paper aims to construct the diversity reality of the society that has been presented in the media reality of television. Television presents symbols that need to be interpreted critically. When humans perform critical interpretation consciously, the meaning of diversity will be comprehensively grasped. On the contrary, when television shows cannot be interpreted in a mature frame of mind, it will become a serious problem for society. One of the serious issues deals with the abundant religious shows in the month of Ramadan. Religious television programs are part of religion commodification. Religion became a cheap trade. Ironically, many people enjoyed the show and served it as a guide. In fact, what is shown on television has largely blinded the reality of humanity and distanced human beings from civilization.

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