Pengaruh campuran limbah pada pupuk organik cair terhadap dinamika populasi serangga hama kacang tanah
Suhartini Suhartini,
Effect of waste mixture in liquid organic fertilizer on population dynamics of peanut insect pests
This study aimed to identify the types of insect pests found on peanut plants and to assess the impact of a mixture of vegetable and fruit waste, along with manure, in liquid organic fertilizer on the dynamics of insect pest populations in peanut plants (Arachis hypogaea L.). A Completely Randomized Design with 6 treatments was employed for this research. Insect pests were identified to the family level. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including diversity index, evenness index, dominance index, and richness index. The results reveal that 10 families of insect pests were identified on peanut plants. The highest Shannon-Wiener diversity index value was observed in treatment P5, with a value of 0.911, while the overall index fell into the low category. The liquid organic fertilizer made from various mixtures of fruit and vegetable waste, and manure did not show an effective impact on the dynamics of insect pest populations on peanut plants.
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