Pengaruh variasi campuran limbah pupuk organik cair terhadap dinamika populasi arthropoda pada tanaman kacang tanah
Suhartini Suhartini, FMIPA UNY
The effect of waste mixture variation on the liquid organic fertilizer to population dynamics of arthropods on peanut plants
The reaserch aims to determine: the effect of variations in the mixture of fruits, vegetables, and livestock waste in liquid organic fertilizer to the families of soil Arthropods found in peanut plants, the effect of variations in the mixture of fruits, vegetables, and livestock in liquid organic fertilizer on the population dynamics of soil arthropods on peanut plants. This reaserch was a completely randomized design experiment, data were collected by observing the population dynamics of soil Arthropods found in peanut plants. Data were collected using the hand-sweeping method. The research lasted for eleven months from Juni 2022 to May 2023 with data collection of Arthropods for 12 times. Data included climatic data at each observation and all types of soil arthropods on peanut plants. The data obtained were analyzed using diversity index, evenness index, dominance index, and species richness index. The results showed that there appeared to be 7 families of soil arthropods. The population dynamics of soil arthropods in peanut plants changed from time to time by showing ups and downs. Habitat modification with various mixtures of fruit, vegetable, and livestock waste in liquid organic fertilizer as treatments did not have a effective effect on the population dynamics of soil arthropods in the plant peanut (Arachis hypogaea).
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