Pengembangan tes Strukturen und Wortschatz berbasis web mengacu pada Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen (GER)
Pratomo Widodo, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan tes Strukturen und Wortschatz berbasis web mengacu pada materi GER (Gemeinsamer europäischer Referenzrahmen) sebagai alat evaluasi keberhasilan belajar mata kuliah Strukturen und Wortschatz, dilihat dari aspek isi (validitas dan reliabilitas soal), aspek tampilan dan aspek sistem. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Tahapan penelitian ini terdiri atas (1) studi pendahuluan dan pengumpulan informasi, (2) pengembangan produk, (3) uji coba produk, (4) revisi produk, (5) uji coba produk satu-satu dengan ahli , dan (6) produk akhir. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman FBS Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta pada semester gasal 2014/2015. Proses validasi dilakukan oleh dua orang ahli materi dan satu orang ahli media. Subjek uji coba terdiri dari: 33 mahasiswa untuk menguji validitas dan reliabilitas produk tes awal, 10 mahasiswa untuk uji coba produk hasil revisi, dan 13 mahasiswa uji coba produk dalam bentuk web. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) penilaian oleh ahli materi diperoleh data: aspek materi diberi skor 3.9, aspek konstruksi diberi skor 4.11, dan aspek bahasa diberi skor 3.83 secara keseluruhan dinilai “baik”, (2) penilaian oleh ahli media diperoleh data: aspek tampilan umum diberi skor 4.3, aspek tampilan soal diberi skor 3.5, dan aspek sistem diberi skor 4.2, secara keseluruhan dinilai ”baik”, dan (3) penilaian oleh subjek uji coba: aspek tampilan umum diberi skor skor 3.64, aspek tampilan soal diberi skor 3.48 dan aspek sistem diberi skor 3.62, secara keseluruhan dinilai ”baik”. Hasil penilaian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan tes Strukturen und Wortschatz mengacu pada materi GER layak digunakan sebagai alat tes mata kuliah di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman FBS UNY.
Developing a Web-Based Strukturen und Wortschatz test referring to Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen (GER)
This study aims to develop a web-based Strukturen und Wortschatz test referring to materials for Level A1 GER (Gemeinsamer europäischer Referenzrahmen) as an instrument to evaluate the learning achievement in the Strukturen und Wortschatz I course, in terms of the content aspect (test validity and reliability), the display aspect, and the system aspect. The study was conducted by employing the research and development method. The research stages consisted of: (1) a preliminary study and information collection, (2) product development, (3) product tryout, (4) product revision, (5) one-to-one product tryout with experts, and (6) final product. The study was conducted at the Department of German Language Education, FLA, YSU, in the odd semester of 2014/2015. The validation process involved two materials experts and one media expert. The tryout subjects consisted of 33 students to assess the validity and reliability of the preliminary test product, 10 students in the tryout of the revised product, and 13 students in the tryout of the product in the web format. The results of the study were as follows. (1) Regarding the evaluation by the materials experts, the materials aspect scored 3.9, the construction aspect scored 4.11, and the language aspect scored 3.83; on the whole, the product was good. (2) Regarding the evaluation by the media expert, the general display aspect scored 4.3, the test display aspect scored 3.5, and the system aspect scored 4.2; on the whole, the product was good. (3) Regarding the evaluation by the tryout subjects, the general display aspect scored 3.64, the test display aspect scored 3.48, and the system aspect scored 3.62; on the whole, the product was good. The results of the evaluation show that the developed Strukturen und Wortschatz test referring to the materials of GER is appropriate to be used as a test instrument for the course at the Department of German Language Education, FLA, YSU.
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