The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Model and Blended Learning Model to Metacognitive Awareness as a Reflection Towards a New Normal Era
Aftoni Aftoni, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
Ömer Çobanoğlu, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Gaziantep 27310, Gaziantep, Turkey
This study aimed to determine differences in the level of metacognitive awareness and learning outcomes of students who learn through problem-based learning model-assisted blended learning on technical drawing material as a reflection towards new normal era education. This study used a test instrument and metacognitive questionnaire with the results of a validity level of 92.58% and the Alpha Cronbach reliability coefficient was categorized as high with a score of 0.876. The research sample was carried out at the state of vocational high school in two classes. Experimental classes learned with a problem-based model were aided by blended learning and a control class learned through a problem-based model. The results showed a significant difference in cognitive domain learning outcomes in the experimental class and metacognitive awareness of students in the two research classes so that this learning model could be used as a reflection in the learning activities of the new normal era.
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