Pengaruh aplikasi color detector for blind on based android (coda) terhadap pengenalan warna bagi penyandang tunanetra di yogyakarta

Sayidatul Maslahah, universitas negeri yogyakarta, Indonesia
Tin Suharmini, universitas negeri yogyakarta, Indonesia


Abstrak: Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh Color Detector For Blind Based on Android (CODA) terhadap pengenalan warna bagi penyandang tunanetra kelas VIII di MTS LB A Yaketunis Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Desain penelitian One Group Pre Test- Post Test Design. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistic deskriptif dan uji nonparametrik. Kemudian dianalisis dengan statistic deskriptif dan dilanjutkan uji nonparametrik tes Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang sangat signifikan aplikasi CODA terhadap pengenalan warna bagi penyandang tunanetra kelas VIII di MTs LB A Yaketunis Yogyakarta. Perolehan skor pre-test menunjukkan rata-rata skor sebesar 27,2 dengan presentase 45,3%. Skor post-test rata-rata sebesar 44,4 dengan prosentase 73,96% sehingga rata-rata skor perubahan kelima subjek sebesar 17,2 dengan presentase 28,66%. Hasil uji statistic nonparametric tes Wilcoxon memperoleh T hitung ≤ T table dengan harga T hitung 0 dan harga T table 0 dengan taraf signifikansi yang digunakan α =0,01 maka Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak.

Kata kunci: Color Detector for Blind Based on Android (CODA) pengenalan Warna, Penyandang Tunanetra.

Abstract: This study aimed to examine the influence of Color Detector For Blind Based on Android (CODA) towards blind people at 8th grade in MTS LB A Yaketunis Yogyakarta to identify colors. This research used quantitative approach. The method used is quasi experiment with One Group Pre Test- Post Test Design for its experiment design. The data of this research was analyzed by statistic descriptive analysis and non parametic experiment. Data result from statistic descriptive analysis displayed in a form of table and chart continued Wilcoxon test non parametic experiment. The result shows that Color Detector for Blind Based on Android (CODA) application has significant influence towards blind people at 8th grade in MTS LB A Yaketunis Yogyakarta to identify colors. The result of the pre-test score shows that the five participants on average get a score of 27.2 with a percentage of 45.3%. The post-test score of the five participants on average get a score of 44.4 with a percentage of 73.96%. Thus, the average score changing is 17.2 with a percentage of 28.66%. Wilcoxon test non parametic experiment shows T arithmetic ≤ T table with value T arithmetic 0 and price T table 0 with significance level used α = 0,01 then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.

Keywords: Color Detector for Blind Based on Android (CODA) colors identify, blind people.

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